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Join Us in Worship and Fellowship in Person
Come Worship With Us
We are thrilled that you have chosen to worship with us today! We know that visiting a new church sometimes can be intimidating, especially if someone isn’t familiar with church culture, but here at the Temple of Divine Love Church - it’s our desire that you feel right at home! When worshiping with TDL Church you'll experience that sense of unity and the single purpose of bringing praise and honor to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in, the Temple of Divine Love Church is for you!
What to Expect
As a first-time guest, you are VIP the moment you walk into the Temple. We'll be there with you every step of the way! We even have a welcome gift just for you!
Come As You Are
At TDL, there is no dress code! Some people show up in suits, and others wear jeans and t-shirts. We want you to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!
Bring the Kids
The care and growth of every child is our highest priority and our passion is to create exciting, Bible-driven, interactive environments specially designed for your kids!
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